Musical Studies

Academic Program in Musical Studies

Program Requirements

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The Musical Studies Program is for arts and sciences students with serious preparation for and interest in the study of music within a liberal arts setting. You may declare the major at any time.

Students take courses in both the College of Arts and Sciences and Oberlin Conservatory. These courses include musical foundations, music theory and aural skills, musicology, applied study, and private instruction. Each student also takes concentration courses that support their individual interests.

In addition, you are required to participate for at least two semesters in faculty-led music ensembles such as the Oberlin Orchestra, Musical Union, Opera Theater, among other ensembles.

Students wishing more intense study or who plan to attend graduate school should consider the Musical Studies Honors Program. Consult with an advisor or a member of the Musical Studies Committee to ensure appropriate coursework for the major.

We recommend students interested in intensive pre-professional training to apply for the conservatory’s Bachelor of Music program.